For the longest time I have known something very bizarre was going on, albeit at a snail’s pace and that something was coming.
As this stood out more and more over time I made a series of predictions that got me into a lot of hot water. Everything I predicted was rejected and I was labeled as mad or just laughed at.
For me, in time, it was akin to warning someone crossing the road that was not looking that a truck was approaching and got to the point where they would tear my head off for pointing it out.
This went on for years and in time even with some subjects that might be the topics of TV shows or films they would watch and later talk about, they would just shut me down and say “well if it happens it happens, there is nothing you can do about it” which is a selfish way of saying that they do not want to face up to it. Something that they would previously speculate about after watching a movie of such a scenario,
Some time ago I met a man who had been told by a security guard that there had been an attempt of a terrorist attack not far from where I was living. He really did complain to high heaven that they had kept this secret and complained at how many things had been dealt with this way. While he sat there on his invalid carriage telling me how he wanted to know and had a right to know I was smiling internally.
When he stopped I asked him if he was absolutely sure he wanted to know and he said ‘of course’. So I then explained to him that he was talking to someone that had provided details of this event. I had told the authorities, who had been waiting for them to arrive and caught them, exactly where it would take place and where to wait.
I also explained that there were not only details of this prior to the event but recording with Police on the Internet regarding it.
Once finished he sat there mouth open, speechless and looking like a Deer in headlight and I imagine a voice in his head saying ‘WUT?!’
It was like a pregnant pause and then suddenly he hit the accelerator button on his electric vehicle, spun around and zoomed off.
As I was surprised at his reaction I chuckled to myself and then said “So, you did not really want to know then?”
That event took place in 2013.
Some years later I realized that even my friends and family had this problem. It as as I have been describing and in all honesty it is the absolute most frustrating thing about people that, today, I cannot abide.
They either cannot see the wood for the trees or point black refuse to see ad this after years of complaining that they want to.
This they would once spend hours speculating about and enjoying it would suddenly become a taboo subject that would result in a reaction of them snapping at others for even mentioning the subject.
What makes this even worse is that they think this is totally normal and acceptable behavior when it is not.
I get approached every now and then when I make a single post of lines like ‘Well its bigger than that ..’ and ‘Well if you think that is all that is going on ..’.
It seems everyone has the truth to the particular problem they are harping on about and then decide they are going to come to the guy that has stated almost all the theories are true for up to decades and tell him how it is.
I cover more subjects than most and I have been involved in more things than most and have done things that once discovered, blows peoples minds.
Am linked to a number of science names now and one guy and co-founder of Anonymous that had left years ago came to me after reading around six or so of my posts, some of which can be somewhat lengthy. This is what he said ..
“How are you not bigger than Tim Pool?!”
Surprised he said that I told him that it is because they do not want to be and have been suppressing me in various ways and on more platforms than just Google, Twitter and Facebook since 2016 and were watching me earlier. I was warned by a friend who worked for Cambridge University back in 2011 when I told him my plans he said “You know they [MI5] will be watching you, right?”
I said “I know”.
So everyone has a fool-proof method, which is why things have only gotten worse.
Everyone has a subject they only want to focus on and they are right and everyone else wrong. Often then the Dunning-Kruger Effect kicks in wen you try to explain and they twist in the wind to look right.#
People are losing because they are bad at winning, fall prey to their own psychological issues and they either do not know where to look or hot to question or simply do not want to.
On Twitter even four years ago I had people ask me how I was not being spoken to by the big names. People would mention Katie Hopkins or Ezra Levant because even then people had finally caught up to me telling everyone that all news media were lying. Something which was the first thing I proved when I started blogging in 2012 and had been telling people for 6 or more years before that.
One of many things seen today I had stated many, many years ago and was called mad over.
Another thing that infuriates me with people and is yet another reason why we are in the collapsing times we are in today, is how easy they are to satisfy when it comes to blaming someone as anyone will do.
As long as people have a ‘fall guy’ they are happy and the conspirators often get away with it.
I was told a story a long time ago about an event in the north of England in the town of Hartlepool. Someone from Norfolk in England had referred t a friend of mine from Newcastle as a ‘monkey-hanger’. When I asked my friend he laughed and said his geography was wrong and it was Hartlepool.
It was a football thing, a slur hurled by rival supporters to the fans of Hartlepool at football matches.
Many years ago they got invaded by the French. If I recall correctly the French got away with any casualties and the locals were so mad, this bit is a bit grim I am afraid, they got a monkey, dressed it in a uniform and hanged it for the crimes of the French.
In all honesty at the time I thought this was a joke and my Geordie friend laughed at the look on my face.
I have been wondering how many innocent people have paid the price of someone else because of some similarity?
Today you have white people being targeted, often by other white people, because of stuff white elites have done in which the actions performed by these naive white people attacking other white people today are actually aiding the elites.
In the chapter of ‘Things You Cannot Make Up’.
This has popped back up in my short-term memory affected mind of late and I am sure will do so many more times throughout the rest of 2022?
But do not take my word for it,